who we are
the idea
Many Children at Yidadiya English School in the Sodama region of Southern Ethiopia were going to school every day on an empty stomach. The school is under the care of a woman who loves these children and wants to see them educated. She does a great job each and every day giving them a better chance at succeeding in life, but for a long time there was a crucial component missing from her arsenal.
The kids weren't eating.
If the children weren't guaranteed food in school, oftentimes, they would drop out and start working too early to try and provide food not only for themselves but their families. Having guaranteed nutritious food twice a day, every day was a sure-fire way to ensure these kids returned to the classroom, therefore providing them the best chance that they can succeed in school and be prepared to enter the workforce as adults.
the reason
Mike and Neiva McKim were passionate about international adoption but didn't realize when they adopted their son from Ethiopia more than a decade ago, they'd return with more fuel in their fire.
After returning to Ethiopia to reconnect their son with his birth family, Neiva realized just how far her compassion could reach. Neiva visited her son's siblings' school and created lasting connections with the teachers and students. The McKim's decided to raise a little money for the trip before they went, and the school administrators were able to initiate a school feeding program.
the standard
Still being a new non-profit, Fuel Their Future has successfully been feeding more than 30 kids at Yidadiya every day. The scope of this program aims to help the most at-need children: the children who can't go home for lunch everyday like other kids, whether they live too far away, or their pantry shelves are bare. Through our program, these kids are being fed while at school. While Fuel Their Future has been successful in aiding this endeavor, we haven't yet reached every hungry student. Jamanesh currently has 58 students enrolled in the Feeding Program.
Compared to our standard of wealth, the food in Ethiopia is more than affordable. It only takes around $50/month to feed one child both breakfast and lunch every school day. So let's work together to expand our reach and extend our love to every in-need child at Yidadiya.
MikE And neiva
"We love kids. We love our biological daughters and our Ethiopian son. We wouldn't have our family any other way but want to fight to keep kids in their birth families if at all possible. We hope that by these kids getting food, they'll also continue in their education, get a job, make a living, and keep their kids away from an orphanage."
BOard of directors
Katie Dougherty MS, RD/LD
Katie is a devoted mom of four and a Pediatric Dietitian that is passionate about educating families of how to fuel their bodies to be healthy and strong. Katie joined Fuel Their Future's board of directors to expand her involvement in providing informaion and nutrients to kids and their families.
"I know the impact that nutrition or the lack of nutrition has on a child's ability to learn and grow. I want to be a part of giving these kids an opportunity to decide for themselves what their future looks like."
Meghan Oyster
Meghan Oyster has been an educator for 20 years, and it's her commitment to guarantee children with the basic human right of education. Meghan join Fuel Their Future's board of directors to be able to fully secure the benefits of this right.
"Students need food to nourish their brains and bodies!"
Curt Wagner
Curt works as the ODNR Fisheries Management Supervisor. While Curt is a man of few words, his area of expertise lies in the quiet detail. Curt operates simaltaneously as Fuel Their Futures current CFO making sure every cent is accounted for.
"Love McKims. Like spreadsheets. A 'details' guy."